How to Treat Rosacea

Rosacea can be a frustrating condition for sufferers. No one knows exactly what causes it, it can come out without warning, and there’s no way to get rid of it.  

And while it’s not debilitating, it can be irritating and makes us feel self-conscious. However, there are ways to manage the condition. You can limit the chance of flare ups by avoiding triggers and going for facials that are kind to your skin. 

In this post, we explain what causes rosacea, what can trigger symptoms, and detail some of the best ways to treat rosacea. 

What is rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that primarily affects your face, and is more common in women and people with ighter skin. It causes redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels, and can also cause pimple-like bumps and dry, thickened skin. In some cases, your eyes may be affected as well, with symptoms like redness, itching, and burning.

Rosacea causes

The exact cause of rosacea isn’t known, but it’s believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some factors that may contribute to the development of rosacea are:

  • Abnormalities in the blood vessels - there’s some evidence to suggest that rosacea may be caused by abnormal dilation and inflammation of the blood vessels in the face

  • Microorganisms - certain bacteria on the skin have been linked to rosacea

  • Demodex mites - everyone has these tiny mites on their skin, but they may be more prevalent in people with rosacea

  • Family history - rosacea tends to run in families, so it’s highly likely that there’s a genetic component to the condition

Hormonal changes - hormonal changes, such as those that occur during menopause, may trigger rosacea in some women

Rosacea triggers

While we don’t know exactly what causes rosacea, we do know that there are certain environmental triggers that tend to cause flare ups that you can try and limit your exposure to. 

However, not everyone’s rosacea will be triggered by the same factors, so there’s no need to avoid all the following, especially if they’re things you take pleasure in like sunshine and a glass of wine. Keeping a rosacea diary is a great way to identify the worst offenders and can help you work out how to manage your flare ups.

  • Sun exposure - sun exposure can often worsen the symptoms of rosacea, causing redness, flushing, and visible blood vessels

  • Stress - stress and anxiety can trigger a flare-up of rosacea symptoms

  • Hot and cold weather - exposure to temperature extremes may trigger your rosacea

  • Alcohol consumption - drinking alcohol, particularly red wine, can cause a flare-up

  • Spicy foods - spicy foods, such as chili peppers and hot saucemay exacerbate symptoms

  • Skin care products - some skin care products, especially those that contain alcohol or fragrances, can irritate the skin and trigger a flare-up 

Medications - medications such as vasodilators and topically applied steroids, can trigger a flare-up of rosacea symptoms

Rosacea treatments

At re:lax, rather than harsh medications and creams, we support our rosacea clients with treatments that are kind to skin yet highly effective, as we think they are the best way to see long lasting results without side effects. 

Go for regular facials 

Going for regular facials is a great way to see long-term results. Facials rejuvenate your skin, and can help to soothe any irritation and itchiness. At re:lax we use a number of techniques, tools, and products that are highly effective against the symptoms of rosacea. 

The topical products we use in all our facials contain powerful ingredients - like centella asiatica, probiotics, niacinamide, and ceramides - can reduce redness while strengthening rosacea-affected skin. Techniques like high frequency and LED light therapy, which can be used in most of our treatments or booked as a standalone treatment, can help to reduce redness and inflammation. Our dermapen facial is also great for rosacea. It’s a microneedling device that gently pushes a high performance skin serum under the top layer of skin to plump and revitalise. 

Book a re:lax facial here.

Make lifestyle changes

Making changes to your daily habits, such as avoiding any triggers you’ve identified that cause flare ups is one of the simplest ways to combat rosacea. You should also opt for gentler skincare products and make sure to wear sunscreen.

  • Cut down on alcohol - there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a drink every now and again, but if alcohol is a trigger for you, try and reduce the amount you consume or try alcohol free alternatives 

  • Support your liver - your liver is one of the hardest working organs in your body. It detoxifies, activates and stores nutrients, synthesises hormones, and digests everything from apples to ibuprofen. If your liver is struggling, your body is struggling, and you’re more likely to experience flare ups. So give it a helping hand by nourishing it with these liver boosting foods: turmeric, garlic, beets, avocado, broccoli, and any other colourful vegetables 

  • Stress management - you can’t cut out every cause of stress in your life, but you can find ways to reduce and manage your stress to limit the chances of flare ups. Whether it’s giving yourself a facial massage at the end of the day, meditation or any other form of self-care, find ways to unwind 

  • Get a good night’s sleep - getting a good night’s sleep is the foundation of every aspect of our physical and mental health. Being well rested reduces stress and improves the condition of your skin, leaving you in a good place to keep rosacea at bay. If you’re having trouble, try creating a comfortable sleeping environment, relaxation exercies, avoiding caffeine and alcohol, and set a fixed wake up time


What is a facial?