What is a facial?

A facial is a skin care treatment for your face that combines the use of tools, techniques, and products to improve skin health or treat a specific skin condition. It’s performed by a qualified therapist in a salon or treatment room.

A facial cleanses, exfoliates and nourishes, leaving you with happy, healthy, more youthful skin.

If you’ve never had a facial before, and you want to find out more before booking a treatment, or you just want to know more about the amazing benefits of regular facials, read on.

What does a facial do?

Your facial will usually start with a short consultation, during which your therapist will find out about your specific needs and intentions for the treatment. This allows them to tailor the treatment to you. All you need to do then is lie back on the bed and relax.

Your therapist can also give you tips and recommend products that you can use in your home routine in order to see great, long-lasting results.

Facial benefits

A professional facial will leave your skin looking brighter and healthier. You can expect the following benefits after having a facial:

  • Visibly clearer skin - daily life causes all sorts of problems for our skin, including clogged pores, puffiness, and dryness or oiliness. A facial strips away dead skin cells, removes dirt and oil from blocked pores, and reduces inflammation, leaving your face clear and smooth

  • Improved complexion - people often describe a ‘glow’ after receiving a facial, and there’s a scientific reason for this luminous effect: facial massage improves blood circulation, promoting oxygen uptake from the cells in your face

  • More youthful skin - as we age, it becomes harder for our skin to produce collagen, the protein responsible for our skin’s elasticity. A facial stimulates collagen production, resulting in tighter, firmer, more youthful looking skin. It also hydrates and rejuvenates the delicate skin around our eyes, reducing eye bags and dark circles

  • Reduced stress and anxiety - but it’s not all surface level - a gentle and relaxing 60 to 90 minute treatment from a trained professional is a great way to alleviate stress

How long does a facial take?

At re:lax, we offer three different treatment lengths: 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90 minutes. These may or may not include a short consultation before your treatment.

  • 30 mins (£45 - £55) - for a single express treatment that uses one specialist method or technique, such as LED light therapy, Gua Sha, or facial massage

  • 60 mins (£85 - £100) - the most popular length of treatment, which gives the therapist ample time to use a variety of tools and techniques that will leave your face refreshed and revitalised

  • 90 mins (£115 - £135) - allows the therapist to spend a bit more time on everything, or on a specific technique or area of your preference. A great way to really relax and see even better results

What types of facials do you offer?

There are dozens of methods and techniques that therapists can use during your treatment to combat different types of skin complaints.

All skin care treatments at re:lax are natural and non-invasive, as we believe this is the best way to achieve fantastic, long-lasting results.

Your facial may combine all or some of the following:

  • Bespoke product selection - all our therapists tailor products to the individual client

  • Facial massage - a gentle and relaxing way to smooth, tone and improve complexion

  • Gua Sha - a smooth, edged tool that gently massages the face to plump, sculpt and rejuvenate

  • Buccal massage - intra oral massage that tones and strengthens the facial muscles to improve tone and elasticity

  • Facial cupping - promotes circulation in specific areas to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and decrease puffiness

  • LED light therapy - uses different frequencies of light to do everything from stimulating collagen production to killing acne

  • High frequency - a non-invasive, low-level electric current that kills acne-causing bacteria and can combat fine lines and wrinkles

  • Cosmetic acupuncture - a non-surgical way to reduce the signs of ageing. Tiny, painless needles create micro-trauma in your skin, which boosts blood flow and the production of collagen and elastin

How much is a facial?

A facial can cost anything from £30 to £400, depending on where you’re having it and what tools and techniques are used.

re:lax facials cost between £25 to £135, which is a very competitive price for a luxury service, performed by an expert therapist. All our therapists are passionate about skin care, and qualified to carry out a variety of highly effective treatments. You can check out the full treatment menu and book here.

Are facials worth it?

Can you put a price on an all-natural way to achieve happy, healthy skin, reduce the signs of ageing, and relieve stress?

There are many ways to feel confident in your own skin, but we think a once monthly treatment from a professional facialist should be near the top of your list.

How often should you have a facial

We would recommend having a monthly facial to ensure your skin is healthy and glowing throughout the year.

However, depending on your skin type or skin complaint, you may want to have facials more or less frequently in order to see the best results. Your therapist will work with you to create a treatment plan, and can also create an effective skin care routine for you to use at home.

Why not book your first facial with re:lax today?


  • A high frequency machine uses a gentle electric current to treat common skin complaints such as acne and acne scarring, wrinkles and fine lines, and dark circles and puffiness. You may feel a slight tingling, but it’s not painful and is completely safe.

  • A facial can be used to reduce the visibility of acne scarring, though we would never promise to ‘get rid’ of acne scarring completely. Our facials are non-invasive, and designed to give you long-term results, which is healthier for you and your skin.

  • Yes, a facial is a great way to cleanse and brighten the skin by removing blackheads and unclogging blocked pores. However, we don’t perform extractions as we don’t believe they’re a good long-term solution, and can actually encourage further breakouts or create even more stubborn spots.


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